1st June 2012 :")

(See what you see ? Its real and not a dream :"))

Hello mates ! How's everyone ? Yeahh , its been a long time i didn't updated my blog . Kinda missed it . Heehe , but i brought the best story ever !! The best moment that ever happens in my life .  That date , One Direction making their #1DVDWatchParty , where the boys and directioners all over  the world can watched the DVD together  with the boys and they tweeting live . Yes , ALL OF THEM ! At first , I didn’t know what’s that thing about until I asked one of the directioner on twitter . Its about  , 11 oclock at night and my timeline was full with the directioners started to countdown about #1DVDWatchParty . They also start to spamming the boys . While me , I’m still blured . LOL , and the time flies until its strikes 12 . I’m so sleepy and almost asleep but I tried to stay awake . So , I started to spamming the boys . From , Harry to Liam to Louis to Niall and Zayn . My timeline was full with directioners . Directioners rules the twitter at that time . Haha . Btw , its 1st June in Malaysia but its was 31st May in UK . I get dizzy cause idk who I want to spam . All the boys were tweeting each others . So , I decided to spamming Harry Styles . Hahah , I tweets him to follow me and stuffs and that time it almost 1 am . Yes , I didn’t  sleep yet . Still no luck . Harry didn’t saw my tweets . Afterwards , I saw Harry replied  a fans so I just wanna try my luck and tweeted him “@Harry_Styles , please make it worth it for me to stay up all night just waiting for you to noticed  this tweets :(“ . Not long after  that , I got a message from yahoo and I opened it . GUESS WHAT ???!!!!!!  The message told me “Harry Styles@Harry_Styles is now following you(@WhateverEmie)” . My heart drop and I’m shaking !! I can’t believe it ! I want to scream at that time but I can’t cause its already late night . I was shocked and I want to cried also . This was insane . I can’t imagined this happens so fast . Get it ?? HARRY STYLES FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER !! He was the one who have the most followers on twitter out of the 4 boys and he rarely followed his fans but I’m totally can’t believe that Harry did noticed my tweets and he click the “Follow” button ! OMG !!!!  Nothing can described how I feel  at that time . From that moment , directioners starts to follow me and some of my followers mention me . That was the best moment happens to me . First , Justin Bieber followed me and now Harry Styles . I’m soooooooo happy :”)